Thursday, February 18, 2010

Did she really just ask me that?

"Out of the mouths of babes." Who hasn't heard this saying before?

Monday, February 15th 2010:

I never quite know what to expect from my students when I walk into the classroom every day. This day in particular was like any other.

It was President's day, so of course we read books and talked about past Presidents. When we were discussing Abraham Lincoln, the students were in awe over the fact that he was shot while attending a play at a theatre. They asked questions such as "Why did he get shot" and "who shot him." One student even made the comment that he was shot in the head. As we continued our discussion, a little girl eagerly raised her hand. She is usually quiet during class discussions, so I was happy to call on her. However, I wasn't prepared for her question.

"Ms. Sangwin, do you remember when Abraham Lincoln was shot?" I will admit right now that I am a person of many words, but at this point in time I was speechless. I didn't know whether to ignore the question or roll on the floor hysterically laughing. I chuckled and composed myself enough to answer her innocent question. My response, "I love you sweetheart but if I were alive when Lincoln was shot, that would make me over 150 years old." Her response, "I see. Yeah you don't look that old." What would you do next?

Quickly I announced, "It is now time for silent reading."